
工作的未来 agenda has employers rethinking the employer/employee relationship, 开创新的工作场所和劳动力设计, 创造差异化的员工体验.


  • Attracting, developing and retaining talent for the most critical roles in the company
  • 竞争日益激烈,人才期望不断变化
  • Combining business and people priorities, with the talent experience at the centre
  • Assessing and understanding the people and skills we have now and preparing for what we will need in the future
  • Upskilling and reskilling the workforce to address significant business challenges
  • Rethinking how to prioritise talent related to automation, AI and other digital forces
  • 了解不同员工群体对我们的期望


Today’s organisations face unprecedented pressure to reskill and redeploy talent to stay competitive. 人口结构更加多样化, digital ways of working and shifting expectations are reshaping the future of work. These forces demand a rethink of how organisations prepare to attract, develop and retain talent for the most critical roles needed now and in the future. The right talent creates innovative cultures within a company and thus can attract more of the best talent.


  • 将组织和工作设计变得更简单, 更灵活的结构, 摆脱传统的多层次组织
  • Identify the levers needed to address and solve people-centred challenges
  • Align innovative technology and skills to transform the workplace
  • Balance the strategic business and workforce strategies with operational implementation

Future-proof your organisation by closing the readiness gap and addressing the people impact


of companies are co-creating new employee experiences with their people.


of employees trust their companies to invest in their learning and skill development.


With an ever-evolving operational environment posing new challenges in redefining work, 灵活的安排和大流行后世界的出现, 组织-现在, more than ever — need to reset their talent priorities with a refreshed strategy.

These 五个关键问题 are crucial to consider during a talent management strategy refresh:

  1. What is the best framework for activating our organisation’s business strategy through the lens of human capital?
  2. How is our organisation’s talent distributed across critical demographics, 对未来的预测是什么?
  3. What external talent forces need to be considered as we think about their impact on our workforce?
  4. What is our view on how work will be redefined to deliver responsibilities within increasingly agile frameworks?
  5. How do we ensure diversity, equity and inclusion are woven into our end-to-end value proposition?


The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated conversations about the future of work, transforming decades of thinking on work automation and flexibility into action. This shift presents an opportunity to renew talent management strategies and prepare your business for future success.
1 in 3

executives believe investing in good work standards will deliver the greatest ROI.

1 in 3

companies are convinced that borrowing needed skills by leveraging the gig economy can close the skills gap.


of executives say gig workers will substantially replace full-time employees in their companies in the next one to three years.


Mercer is uniquely positioned to deliver value through talent segmentation and engagement by building synergy between people and technology. 让我们帮助您重新设想如何将人才与工作联系起来. 我们的人才战略框架 balances the business and people impacts with the talent experience.
  • 业务影响

    includes the internal and external factors that shape an organisation and its people and capability needs. Excellent talent management tangibly supports business objectives and strategies.
  • People impact

    关注用户/目标群体的需求和偏好. 优秀的人才管理能够满足员工的期望, 这也可以通过参与和表现来衡量.
  • 人才的经验

    汇总组织中每个人的经验. It concerns talent management touchpoints and processes within a talent framework that caters to the interests of both the business and the people.


Bringing a talent management strategy to life requires a multidimensional implementation approach to address strategy and purpose, 组织和角色, 服务和流程, 文化和领导力. At the heart of the talent strategy, and involved at every step, is the talent experience.

Four areas of talent experience that have an impact on both the business and its people

Circular image showing the connected areas of the talent experience that have both a business and people impact. 这四个方面是战略和目的, 服务和流程, 文化与领导力, 组织和角色.


  • 企业的有形价值
  • Holistic workforce planning and derivation of priorities and measures
  • 关注关键目标群体
  • 面向未来决策


  • 人才战略是目标群体产品和服务的基础
  • 吸引人的平台和格式
  • 贯穿员工生命周期的互联人才服务
  • 技术智能集成


  • 基于业务和人员需求的人才管理角色
  • 明确和有目的地分配责任和任务
  • 合理的交互和连接
  • 积极参与业务


  • 包容的沟通、对话和支持
  • 就机会和期望进行透明的沟通
  • 一致的领导心态
  • 授权员工


