Transform your workforce through skills-based talent practices

Transform your workforce with skills-based talent management. Reinvent your talent and reward programmes with a focus on skills.

In an uncertain economy with forecasted long-term labour shortages, 最大限度地发挥员工的价值,并吸引新的人才加入你的组织是至关重要的. As the world of work continues to change rapidly, 更甚于以往, the ability to transform with it is crucial to success.  这就是为什么接受以技能为基础的实践已成为公司的首要任务——因为再培训对于改变组织以适应未来的工作至关重要. Measuring skills and capabilities objectively bolsters talent acquisition, 发展, succession and your broader talent strategy. Unlock exponential results today through a focus on skills. 

Whether you’re looking to build a strong skills foundation, redesign the way you work or rethink how you attract, retain and develop talent, 我们可以帮忙. 大规模实施基于技能的实践需要跨团队协作——您将需要跨越劳动力转型的专业知识, 数据和科技产品, 以及数字实现. That’s where 美世 comes in. 

Best Advance in Practical AI

  • Workforce and 转换 advisory 
    Strategic visioning, programme design, change activation 
  • 数据和科技产品 
    Skills data, market values and trends, enabling functionality 
  • 数字实现 
    HR tech stack planning, deployment and optimisation services 


  • 我们努力确定目前的板凳实力和技能差距,以告知基于技能的招聘.
  • We’re working to restructure jobs around automation.
  • 与以技能为基础的人才管理相一致的学习和发展投资对我们来说很难优先考虑.
  • We want to offer flexible careers across the organisation.

The 2023/2024 Skills Snapshot Survey report

The report outlines the benefits of a skills-based approach, including improved employee retention, enhanced workforce agility, and greater flexibility for evolving market demands. 它为实施以技能为基础的人才战略提供了建议, such as building a skills foundation, aligning key performance indicators, and defining success metrics.

How do leading companies reinvent for skills-based talent management?

  • Strategic workforce planning

  • Reskilling

    通过有针对性和个性化的基于技能的学习途径和增强的评估能力加速再培训, eliminating laborious current-state analysis.
  • 技能评估

    Measure skills and capabilities objectively for talent acquisitions, 发展, succession or a broader people strategy based on your skills framework.
  • 按技能付费

    投资未来技能, 通过基于技能需求的人工智能薪酬决策,重塑薪酬计划, 供应和临界.
  • Job and career architecture

    To achieve optimal internal equity and external competitiveness, 用一致的职业分析和职业评估方法建立一个健全的职业架构框架是至关重要的.
  • 绩效管理

    Agile environments require rapid, 多来源的绩效反馈和评估,以实现技能熟练程度和发展活动的目标.
  • Career 发展/ pathing

    Enable employee ownership of careers through skill mapping and adjacencies, which shine a light on actionable career paths.
  • 接班人计划

    确保根据个人技能确定继任人选,以扩大潜在的人才储备, and avoid job structures that may limit diversity.
  • Internal talent marketplace

    将人才部署到演出中, projects and experiences based on skills supply and demand, 促进内部人才流动和组织内思想和经验的多样性.
  • 人才收购

    Select candidates based on skills-based hiring, 使用人工智能驱动的技能推断和简单的数字评估工具来提高流程和候选人体验的质量.
  • Reinventing jobs for the future of work


Is your organisation ready for skills-based talent management?

使用此诊断来评估组织中技能结构和再培训流程的成熟度,确定机会的领域, and get instant advice on next steps.

Skills-based talent practices continuum



  • there is more fluidity in the organisations
  • there are examples of moving mid-career and not stepping back
  • there is an urgency to bring diverse skills together to solve a problem

然而, 大多数组织都无法完全接受这种模式,也无法在所有员工中实现这种模式.

  • The traditional employer typically has narrow job definitions, 被要求执行的工作不太可能超出JD中概述的职责和责任. The employee in this environment view their career as a ladder, anticipating moving up in the same team.
  • 不断发展和领先的公司已经培养了一个更加灵活的环境,在工作分配中考虑技能, and when employees think about their career, 他们明白纵向和横向的运动都是有价值的——他们被授权在自己的职业生涯中掌控方向盘.
  • 面向未来的环境在如何组织团队和团队方面采用了敏捷原则 流向工作 based on their specific skills. 
    The above is often facilitated by a 人才 Marketplace platform


And for some of the most sophisticated a way to value skills based on market availability, strategic relevance and price. But attaining this change is hard because we live in a world defined by 工作经历. 在一个成熟的组织中,打破这种局面可能很难——但回报是巨大的.




技能地图 is a workflow solution, underpinned by the 美世 技能库, 这使您能够快速将技能和相关熟练程度映射到您的工作中. 

Reward the critical skills that are driving impact in your organisation

技能定价的人是一个自助服务web应用程序,它报告哪些技能会影响选定工作的薪酬, as well as assigning a value to those skills. 此外,技能定价器允许您自定义基准工作,以反映您自己独特的技能组合, and see how that impacts on pay for the new role. 

Reinventing jobs for the future of work


Introducing some of our team

    Our partners along the Skills journey


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