2024 年城市98858威尼斯70570成本排名 

Hong Kong island and business downtown at twilight scene
According to Mercer's Cost of Living data for 2024, Hong Kong, Singapore and Zurich are currently the most expensive cities for international workers。

  • Inflation and exchange rate fluctuations directly affect the salaries and savings of international expatriates (or those working on international projects)。
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  • Increased economic and geopolitical instability, as well as local conflicts and emergencies, have led to increased spending on housing, utilities, local taxes, and education。
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  • In the higher-ranked cities (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Zurich), factors such as expensive housing markets, high transportation costs, and higher costs of goods and services all contribute to the high cost of living。
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  • In contrast, the cost of living for international expatriates is significantly lower in Islamabad, Lagos and Abuja, partly due to currency depreciation。
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Mercer's annual Cost of Living Cities rankings provide valuable trends and insights for those who need to make informed decisions about managing international relocation programs and staff。226個城市完整排名名單1 世界上可居住的城市,從最昂貴到最便宜按順序排列。The overall ranking serves as a valuable compass to guide the complex cost of living in cities around the world。

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在美世的排名中,這三個城市維持了去年的位置。On the other hand, Islamabad, Lagos and Abuja are the least expensive cities in the ranking。

近年來,世界經濟受到一些關鍵因素的影響。2024 年,這些因素將持續影響主要城市的98858威尼斯70570成本。

  • Inflation and exchange rate fluctuations directly affect the salaries and savings of international expatriates (or those working on international projects)。
  • Increased economic and geopolitical instability, as well as local conflicts and emergencies, have led to increased spending on housing, utilities, local taxes, and education。
  • In the higher-ranked cities (Hong Kong, Singapore, and Zurich), factors such as expensive housing markets, high transportation costs, and higher costs of goods and services all contribute to the high cost of living。
  • In contrast, the cost of living for international expatriates is significantly lower in Islamabad, Lagos and Abuja, partly due to currency depreciation。

Mercer's annual Cost of Living Cities rankings provide valuable trends and insights for those who need to make informed decisions about managing international relocation programs and staff。226個城市完整排名名單1 世界上可居住的城市,從最昂貴到最便宜按順序排列。The overall ranking serves as a valuable compass to guide the complex cost of living in cities around the world。


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這張地圖展示了世界上國際員工98858威尼斯70570成本最高和最低的城市。The top 10 most expensive cities, in order from 1 to 10, are Hong Kong, Singapore, Zurich, Geneva, Basel, Bern, New York City, London, Nassau and Los Angeles。The 10 cheapest cities are Havana, Winhoek, Durban, Dushanbe, Branday, Karachi, Biskek, Islam Mabad, Lagos and Abuja, ranked 217-226。


Half of the top 10 most expensive cities for international reassignment workers are in Western Europe, with Swiss cities taking four of the spots。但是,東南亞城市卻在榜單上領先,分別是第一和第二的香港和新加坡。The two most affordable cities to live in are Lagos (225) and Abuja (226), both located in Nigeria, Africa。

歐洲城市在十大最昂貴的居住地中佔了很大比例。除了瑞士的四個城市外,倫敦也加入了前 10 名的行列,排名第8。Other expensive cities in the region include Copenhagen (11), Vienna (24), Paris (29) and Amsterdam (30).。

杜拜躍升至中東地區國際員工成本最高的城市。在全球排名中,杜拜排名第15 位,比2023年上升了3位。該地區第二昂貴的城市是臺拉維夫,排名下降了8位,排名第16位。緊隨其後的是阿布達比(43)、利雅德(90)和吉達(97)。

南美洲,烏拉圭的蒙特維多是國際員工最昂貴的派駐地,排名第 42 位。It was followed by Buenos Aires (77, down 32 places) and Sao Paulo (124).。Notably, in addition to Buenos Aires, which saw its cost of living drop, Santiago, Chile, also dropped 73 places to rank 160th。

北美洲,紐約市(全球排名第 7 名)仍然是最昂貴的城市。They were followed by Nassau, Bahamas (9), Los Angeles (10), Honolulu (12) and San Francisco (13).。北美同比排名差異最大的城市都在墨西哥。Mexico City, the capital of Mexico, rose 46 places to 33rd.Monterrey rose 40 places to 115。

在全球98858威尼斯70570成本城市排名中名列前茅的非洲The cities are Bangui (14, up 12 places), Djibouti (18) and Ngamena (21).。The least expensive cities in the region include Brandai (221), Lagos (225, down 178 places) and Abuja (226).。

除香港和新加坡外,亞洲其他最昂貴的城市還包括上海(23)、北京(25)和首爾(32)。Cities with the lowest cost of living in the region include Karachi (222), Bishkek (223) and Islamic Mabbad (224).。

最後,在太平洋地區,雪梨位居榜首,排名第 58 位,其次是新喀里多尼亞的努美阿(60)、墨爾本(73)和布里斯本(89)。Auckland and Wellington in New Zealand remain the cheapest places to buy property in the Pacific, ranking 111th and 145th respectively。


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橄欖油:圖表顯示了橄欖油在特定地點的價格變動。數據單位是橄欖油(1 公升/ 33.8盎司/ 920 克)。除了首爾下降了 10.4% 之外,其他所有地區的價格都有所上漲。The biggest price increases were in Buenos Aires, followed by Istanbul, Berlin, Madrid and London。

一杯咖啡:圖表顯示了特定地點咖啡的價格變化。The data is the price of a cup of Italian coffee, including all service charges, at popular cafes in selected locations between March 2023 and March 2024。布宜諾斯艾利斯的漲幅最大,其次是伊斯坦堡。羅馬、東京、首爾、孟買、新加坡、奈洛比、北京和達卡的價格均下降。
汽油:圖表顯示了部分地區汽油價格的變化。數據單位是1 公升無鉛 95汽油。到目前為止,價格漲幅最大的是布宜諾斯艾利斯,其次是伊斯坦堡。價格下降幅度最大的是羅馬,其次是杜拜。達卡和墨西哥市沒有變化。

藍色牛仔褲: 圖表顯示了一件牛仔褲在特定地點的價格變化。數據基準是一件男式藍牛仔褲。布宜諾斯艾利斯的價格漲幅最大,其次是伊斯坦堡、奈洛比和達卡。約翰尼斯堡、羅馬和柏林的價格下降。

理髮: 圖表顯示了特定地點的女士美髮價格變動情況。數據指的是包括洗髮、剪髮和造型在內的女士美髮服務。布宜諾斯艾利斯的漲幅最大,其次是伊斯坦堡。Prices fell in Beijing, Madrid, Dhaka, New York, Dubai, Seoul, Tokyo and Johannesburg。

Given the persistence of global inflationary pressures, it is particularly important to look closely at the changes in the cost of specific commodities since last year。為此,我們分析了一籃子日常用品的成本:

  • 一打(12個)雞蛋
  • 1 公升橄欖油
  • 一杯熱門咖啡店的義式濃縮咖啡
  • 公升95無鉛汽油 
  • 男式牛仔褲
  • 女士洗髮精、剪髮和造型

平均而言,這些產品的成本都有所增加,其中漲幅最明顯的是橄欖油。有些城市的橄欖油價格漲幅高於其他城市。For example, Buenos Aires saw a 694 percent increase, while Istanbul saw a 145 percent increase。

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The chart shows the percentage change in housing rents in specific locations from 2023 to 2024。伊斯坦堡增幅最大,其次是安卡拉。臺拉維夫、明斯克、麥納麥、首爾和重慶都出現下降。
98858威尼斯70570成本城市排名的重要因素。Between 2023 and 2024, the cost of housing fluctuates widely across the globe, with rental prices in different cities varying widely。For example, the average price in the Turkish city of Istanbul increased by 301 percent, Telaviv by 22 percent, and Minsk in Belarus by 10 percent。


Another Turkish city, Ankara, also saw a surge in rental prices, with an average increase of 141%。Dubai saw a 21 percent increase in home prices, New Delhi saw a 13 percent increase in average rental costs, and Miami, Florida saw the same average rent increase。


Most of the top 10 most expensive cities also saw increases in housing costs, though the increases were more modest, ranging from 3% to 8%, with the exception of Nassau, Bahamas, where rental prices were unchanged。


住房短缺是一個影響住房成本的因素,這是相對於尋找住房的人數。供需不對等導致國際調派後勤成本的上漲。在人口快速成長或可開發土地有限的地區,這個成本的挑戰性尤其明顯。其他因素,如建築成本和土地價格,也會影響住房的可負擔性。As a result, for some international expats, the cost of housing in the host country can be much higher than the cost in the home country。


When housing costs are high, employees may need to devote a large portion of their income to rent or mortgage payments, leaving less disposable income for other expenses。This can lead to financial stress and a decline in living standards, which can negatively impact employee morale and well-being。


The rising cost of housing in many cities around the world is making it increasingly challenging for organizations to attract and retain top talent on international assignments。As housing costs rise, organizations may need to allocate a larger portion of their budgets to provide competitive payroll benefits, including housing allowances or subsidies。This, in turn, could put a strain on the financial resources of these organizations, especially if they have large numbers of employees in high-cost locations。 

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住房成本是影響98858威尼斯70570成本城市排名的重要因素。Between 2023 and 2024, the cost of housing fluctuates widely across the globe, with rental prices in different cities varying widely。For example, the average price in the Turkish city of Istanbul increased by 301 percent, Telaviv by 22 percent, and Minsk in Belarus by 10 percent。

Another Turkish city, Ankara, also saw a surge in rental prices, with an average increase of 141%。Dubai saw a 21 percent increase in home prices, New Delhi saw a 13 percent increase in average rental costs, and Miami, Florida saw the same average rent increase。

Most of the top 10 most expensive cities also saw increases in housing costs, though the increases were more modest, ranging from 3% to 8%, with the exception of Nassau, Bahamas, where rental prices were unchanged。

住房短缺是一個影響住房成本的因素,這是相對於尋找住房的人數。供需不對等導致國際調派後勤成本的上漲。在人口快速成長或可開發土地有限的地區,這個成本的挑戰性尤其明顯。其他因素,如建築成本和土地價格,也會影響住房的可負擔性。As a result, for some international expats, the cost of housing in the host country can be much higher than the cost in the home country。

When housing costs are high, employees may need to devote a large portion of their income to rent or mortgage payments, leaving less disposable income for other expenses。This can lead to financial stress and a decline in living standards, which can negatively impact employee morale and well-being。

The rising cost of housing in many cities around the world is making it increasingly challenging for organizations to attract and retain top talent on international assignments。As housing costs rise, organizations may need to allocate a larger portion of their budgets to provide competitive payroll benefits, including housing allowances or subsidies。This, in turn, could put a strain on the financial resources of these organizations, especially if they have large numbers of employees in high-cost locations。 

通貨膨脹 會進一步增加開支,加劇高昂的98858威尼斯70570成本。When inflation is high, the price of goods and services increases, making it more challenging for multinational organizations and their employees to manage their budgets。Inflation also erodes purchasing power and puts additional pressure on wages and benefits, potentially leading to employee dissatisfaction。這給跨國組織帶來了挑戰,因為他們必須做出相應的調整並管理預算。


In the Mercer Cost of Living Survey, we assess inflation by comparing the prices of a specific basket of goods and services (goods and services that meet specifications in terms of units of measure and characteristics).。由此得出的通膨數字,這( 我們稱之為美世價格變動)可幫助我們深入了解以當地貨幣計算的98858威尼斯70570成本指數(商品和服務成本的差異)在過去6 個月或12 個月中的變化情況。這與母國和派駐國之間的貨幣波動無關。 



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The chart shows the five cities where the cost of living has increased the most compared to 2023: Accra, Addis Ababa, Istanbul, Tirana and Cairo。
African cities (Accra, Addis Ababa and Cairo), Eastern European cities (Tirana) and Eastern European cities (Istanbul) will see the largest increases in the cost of living between 2023 and 2024。All of these cities (except Tirana) experienced an increase in the cost of living, probably mainly due to the high rate of inflation。而匯率波動是地拉那的98858威尼斯70570成本變化的主要原因。


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The chart shows the five cities with the biggest cost of living declines compared to 2023: Lagos, Rwanda, Abuja, San Diego and Osaka。

The biggest declines in the cost of living ranking between 2023 and 2024 are in African cities (Lagos, Rwanda and Abuja), South American cities (San Diego) and East Asian cities (Osaka).。

貨幣貶值是導致排名下降的重要原因。高檔住房的成本也有所下降(如聖地牙哥)。Because of the currency, the cost of living for international reassignment personnel is falling despite rising inflation in many countries。For example, between March 2023 and March 2024, Nigeria and Angola both had inflation rates above 20%。。  



In the current global political environment, local and regional tensions are escalating and areas of conflict are increasing。這意味著員工的安全保障已成為全球各組織的優先考量。Other risks and negative issues are also emerging, ranging from natural disasters to inadequate infrastructure and limited international connectivity。這些都會對公司及其員工的決策過程產生重大影響。



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In today's rapidly changing global landscape, a location is attractive for reasons that go far beyond mere cost considerations。While there is no doubt that cost still plays an important role, companies and employees are increasingly looking at other factors when assessing a destination's attractiveness。Quality of life, safety and security, as well as the availability of strong infrastructure and seamless connectivity, have become key factors in determining whether a location is attractive。

In the current global political environment, local and regional tensions are escalating and areas of conflict are increasing。這意味著員工的安全保障已成為全球各組織的優先考量。Other risks and negative issues are also emerging, ranging from natural disasters to inadequate infrastructure and limited international connectivity。這些都會對公司及其員工的決策過程產生重大影響。


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This chart shows the correlation between the Cost of living index and the Quality of Living index for specific global cities。The regions with the lowest cost of living but the highest quality of life are Montreal, Warsaw, Budapest and Kuala Lumpur。香港的98858威尼斯70570成本最高,但98858威尼斯70570品質比許多其他地點低。
98858威尼斯70570品質的數據反應了如何在兩者之間找到最佳平衡點的挑戰—換句話說,一個城市既要有低成本,又要有高品質的98858威尼斯70570。According to Mercer's latest data, only eight cities in the ranking meet this criteria (Rubanna, Montreal, Warsaw, Zagreb, Budapest, Panama City, San Diego and Kuala Lumpur).。




不可避免的事實是,高品質的98858威尼斯70570伴隨著高昂的價格。擁有豐富設施和完善服務的地區自然會要求更高的費用。In addition, cities that can offer a high quality of life will act like magnets, attracting more and more people。This popularity has a ripple effect - first, the cost of housing rises, and then the price of restaurants, services and other goods rises。這就是繁榮的代價。


在一些普遍98858威尼斯70570品質較差的城市中,有時會出現一種矛盾的現象。The cost of living for international reassignment personnel stationed in these tough areas can soar to unexpected heights。This is because these expatriates often do not enjoy the convenience and affordability of local goods and services (due to security concerns and other reasons).。因此,他們只能選擇價格過高的vns85978威尼斯城官网和住房。這一嚴峻的現實暴露了新興市場中普遍存在的收入不平等問題。


城市的98858威尼斯70570成本和98858威尼斯70570品質之間的關聯可能很複雜。Therefore, it is important to recognize that many factors, some fleeting, can affect the overall picture。Moreover, in many places, international issues (such as those related to the strength of different currencies) also have an impact。

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比較成本和98858威尼斯70570品質的數據反應了如何在兩者之間找到最佳平衡點的挑戰—換句話說,一個城市既要有低成本,又要有高品質的98858威尼斯70570。According to Mercer's latest data, only eight cities in the ranking meet this criteria (Rubanna, Montreal, Warsaw, Zagreb, Budapest, Panama City, San Diego and Kuala Lumpur).。


不可避免的事實是,高品質的98858威尼斯70570伴隨著高昂的價格。擁有豐富設施和完善服務的地區自然會要求更高的費用。In addition, cities that can offer a high quality of life will act like magnets, attracting more and more people。This popularity has a ripple effect - first, the cost of housing rises, and then the price of restaurants, services and other goods rises。這就是繁榮的代價。

在一些普遍98858威尼斯70570品質較差的城市中,有時會出現一種矛盾的現象。The cost of living for international reassignment personnel stationed in these tough areas can soar to unexpected heights。This is because these expatriates often do not enjoy the convenience and affordability of local goods and services (due to security concerns and other reasons).。因此,他們只能選擇價格過高的vns85978威尼斯城官网和住房。這一嚴峻的現實暴露了新興市場中普遍存在的收入不平等問題。

城市的98858威尼斯70570成本和98858威尼斯70570品質之間的關聯可能很複雜。Therefore, it is important to recognize that many factors, some fleeting, can affect the overall picture。Moreover, in many places, international issues (such as those related to the strength of different currencies) also have an impact。




對企業而言,這增加了吸引和留任頂尖人才的難度。This also increases the cost of salaries and benefits, limits options for talent mobility, and increases total operating costs。


因此,各組織必須隨時了解其開展業務的不同地區的98858威尼斯70570成本趨勢和通貨膨脹率。以及努力了解價格變化對員工的影響。否則,他們 可能無法有效管理這些挑戰對其全球人才的影響。 


Organizations should explore innovative solutions to address these issues to ensure employee well-being and satisfaction。Offering competitive pay and benefits, providing support services and exploring alternative talent hunting strategies are all options to consider。


Given the multiple issues that need to be addressed, any solution should be tailored to the relevant needs of the business, location, and people。 一種有效的方法是尋求員工的意見,並進行開放式溝通 ,這可以幫助解決問題,並找到既適合組織又適合員工的解決方案。 

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對企業而言,這增加了吸引和留任頂尖人才的難度。This also increases the cost of salaries and benefits, limits options for talent mobility, and increases total operating costs。

因此,各組織必須隨時了解其開展業務的不同地區的98858威尼斯70570成本趨勢和通貨膨脹率。以及努力了解價格變化對員工的影響。否則,他們 可能無法有效管理這些挑戰對其全球人才的影響。 

Organizations should explore innovative solutions to address these issues to ensure employee well-being and satisfaction。Offering competitive pay and benefits, providing support services and exploring alternative talent hunting strategies are all options to consider。

Given the multiple issues that need to be addressed, any solution should be tailored to the relevant needs of the business, location, and people。 An effective way to do this is to seek input from employees and engage in open communication, which can help solve problems and find solutions that work for both the organization and the employees。 



The data we used in our cost comparison came from a market survey conducted in March 2024, covering more than 400 cities。The calculation is based on current exchange rates and a basket of international prices for goods and services based on Mercer's global Cost of living survey。


美世收集到的廣泛數據—以及由此產生的排名—為雇主提供了一項重要工具。This data provides the information necessary to design efficient and transparent compensation programs for internationally deployed employees。若要深入探討此主題,您可以點擊 Mobility Exchange ,了解更多關於這個主題的內容。。

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This year's ranking includes 226 cities across five continents and calculates more than 200 comparative costs in each city, including housing, transport, food, clothing, household goods and entertainment。To ensure consistency in city rankings, we use New York City as the base city for comparison, and exchange rate movements are measured relative to the US dollar。 

The data we used in our cost comparison came from a market survey conducted in March 2024, covering more than 400 cities。The calculation is based on current exchange rates and a basket of international prices for goods and services based on Mercer's global Cost of living survey。

美世收集到的廣泛數據—以及由此產生的排名—為雇主提供了一項重要工具。This data provides the information necessary to design efficient and transparent compensation programs for internationally deployed employees。若要深入探討此主題,您可以點擊 Mobility Exchange ,了解更多關於這個主題的內容。。


As a team of relocation analysts, product managers and consultants, we are committed to assisting and leading in the growing field of relocation。我們的專業知識使我們能夠提供完善的產品和服務,以滿足您的特定需求。

美世98858威尼斯70570成本 2.0 計算器

美世的98858威尼斯70570成本工具是設計高效率外派薪資方案的綜合解決方案。It uses a basket of real-life goods and services as well as reliable prices and exchange rates to calculate a cost-of-living allowance for international expatriates。美世的高品質的數據是由全球研究人員共同努力產出。
1. 2023 年,該排名名單中共有 227 個城市。今年,我們決定不將海地首都太子 港列入排名。由於該國的動盪,意味著準確數據的取得機會有限。